How to Check Your Name On Digishakti Portal online, JNCU Students Name check on digishakti Portal

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Jannayak University Free Tablet Smartphone List को देखने के लिए आपको बहुत ही अच्छी तरीके से वह जानकारी दूंगा जिससे कि आप अपना नाम  बहुत ही आसानी से देख पाएंगे इसके लिए आप सभी लोगों को

JNCU Students check name on digishakti Portal Online 

  • step 1  सबसे पहले आपको गूगल पर जाना होगा और सर्च करना होगा  जैसे ही आप इसे गूगल पर सर्च करेंगे आपके सामने डीजे शक्ति पोर्टल की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट खुल जाएगी
  • step 2  उसके बाद आप लोगों को साइड में दिख रहे THREEआइकन के ऊपर क्लिक करना होगा
  • step 3  जब आप उसके ऊपर क्लिक करेंगे तो आपको  छात्र कॉर्नर  दिखाई देगा
  • step 4  छात्र कॉर्नर क्लिक करते ही आपके सामने  छात्रों के निर्देश हिंदी में दिए होंगे जिसे आप लोग अगर पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो पढ़ सकते हैं
  • step 5  नीचे दिए यहां क्लिक करें  के ऊपर आप लोगों को अपने हाथों से क्लिक कर देना है
  • Step 6   जिसको क्लिक करते ही आपके सामने  यूनिवर्सिटी बोर्ड  कॉलम दिखाई देगा जिसमें आपका यूनिवर्सिटी का नाम दिया रहेगा
  • Step 7  उसके नीचे Enrollment Number  दिया होगा जिस पर आपको  अपने सर्टिफिकेट के रिजल्ट पर दिया होगा एग्जांपल तौर पर JNCU  उसके बाद आपको नंबर दिए होंगे जिसे आप को बहुत ही अच्छी तरीके से भरना है
  • Step 8  उसके बाद आपको कैप्चा फिल्म कर देना है जो कि बहुत ही ध्यान पूर्वक कैप्चर को फील करिएगा
  • Step 9  सर्च के ऊपर आप लोगों को क्लिक कर देना है और उससे पहले अपने इंफॉर्मेशन को चेक कर लेना है कि क्या वह सही है अगर सही है तभी आपको सर्च के ऊपर क्लिक करना होगा
  • Step 10  फाइनली आप लोगों का लिस्ट में नाम अगर होगा तो दिखाई दे देगा इसे आप लोग अपने नाम के साथ देख सकते हैं और उस पर दिया होगा कि


जननायक यूनिवर्सिटी के द्वारा आपकी डाटा को Digishakti पोर्टल पर डाल दिया गया है यूनिवर्सिटी अपने समय अनुसार आप लोगों को फ्री टेबलेट स्मार्टफोन देने की प्रक्रिया शुरू करेगी

अगर कही गई बातें अगर आपको अच्छी लगी हो तो आप हमारे इस आर्टिकल को भी दूसरों को शेयर करें ताकि सभी लोग अपना लिस्ट में नाम देख सके कि आप लोगों का नाम आया है कि नहीं

मैंने अभी आप लोगों को जननायक चंद्रशेखर विश्वविद्यालय एग्जाम पल दे करके समझाया तो आप लोगों को समझ में आ चुका होगा आप लोग अपनी इंवर्सिटी के हिसाब से अपना नाम सर्च कर सकते हैं Enrollment Number


और भी अधिक जानकारी अगर आपको लेनी है तो आप नीचे आर्टिकल को पढ़ सकते हैं या आप यूट्यूब चैनल CARRYSOMO  वीडियो को पूरा देख करके अच्छी तरीके से समझ सकते हैं जिस पर आपको सारी जानकारियां बहुत ही अच्छी तरीके से बताई गई है

Digishakti Portal Kaise Open Karen- Click Here

Digishakti Porta Official Link- Click Here

UP Free Smartphone Yojana List 2022 Online Registration

The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath has announced that they will give free smartphones and tablets to students taking UG or Engineering, PG, Diploma as well as Skill development classes.

The program was announced on the 19th of August, 2021 to help 1 crore young people. The budget for 3000 crores was adopted from government officials of the Uttar Pradesh government for this UP Free Smartphone Yojana. This week, the list of eligible beneficiaries will be released and distributed according to the criteria. In the coming months, the Uttar Pradesh government will distribute 1 crore smartphones and tablets to students in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The start date of 1 Lakh Free Tablet and Smartphone Distribution Yojana is December 25, 2021.

All students studying can complete an offline application for UP Free Smartphone Scheme in their institute or college. The process of filling out UP free Smartphone Registration for Yojana List 2022 is launched on

Tablet and Smartphone Distribution Yojana UP 2021-22 was launched through the Government of Uttar Pradesh on 25 December 2021 in order to assist with the development of technology for the youngsters who are studying within Uttar Pradesh. By this initiative, it is expected that the Uttar Pradesh government will distribute free laptops, smartphones, and tablets to the students that are studying at the University of Uttar Pradesh. In the latest report from UP Digi Shakti List 2022 up to Monday, the data from 27 million students have been uploaded to Digi Shakti Portal. 2.5 thousand tablets, and five phones will also be given away in the initial slot. Students who wish to get the opportunity to get a laptop, tabletor smartphone, or laptop can take advantage of this offer by registering on Digi Shakti Registration Portal. Digi Shakti Registration Portal.

How to Search Your name Tablet/SmartphoneCM Yogi Adityanath UP Free Tablet & Smartphone

Name of the Scheme Uttar Pradesh Free Tablet / Smartphone Scheme
Official Website
Started by UP Government (CM Yogi Adityanath Ji)
Total Tablets / Smartphone to be distributed 1 Crore +
Scheme Budget 3000 Crore
Scheme for (Educational Qualification) UG, PG, Engineering & Diploma Students
Session 2021-22
JNCU Free Tablet List  JNCU List

UP Free Smartphone Yojana List

Click Here Tablet/Smartphone Yojana 2021-2022  Offline Registration
UP Free Tablet/Smartphone Vitran List PDF of  From 25th December 2021
More Details in Hindi Available Below

UP Free Tablet Registration at

All applicants are informed of the applicants who have filled out this UP Free Laptopor tablet/ smartphone Registration Application Form. We recommend all students to apply for the form. UP government will announce their Digi Shakti Portal. All beneficiary data will be uploaded or fed to the Digi Shakti Portal through the universities.

The data of students will be shared from their School/College in the direction of Universities. The University will upload all data of students to Digi Shakti, the Portal. Up to 27 Lakh student’s information has been uploaded to the Digi Shakti Portal. The data of the remaining students will be uploaded shortly it is uploaded on the website. After the process is completed, the advantages offered by the programme will be offered to students who are eligible. In addition students will be periodically informed via their email and mobile address concerning this Free Laptop program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of UP.
  • Students must be studying at the private, public or government schools. graduation, diploma or technical and Postgraduate.

The annual family income must be less than or equal to 200000 (Two Lakh).

The tablets and smartphones will be distributed across every district from next week, according to CM Adityanath. According to reports that more than 38 lakh students have registered via Digi Shakti Portal to date. Digi Shakti Portal to date. The registration process is in progress and those who haven’t finished the process of registration sooner may still register.

Students in the last year of MA, BA, BSc, ITI, MBBS, MD, Btech, Mtech, PhD, MSME and skills development, and skill development, etc. are given first prioritization in the initial phase. In the announcement the order amounting to $2,035 crore has been made for tablets and mobiles in the initial phase. More than 10.5 lakh smartphones have been purchased at a price of Rs10,740 per unit. 7.20 lakh tablets were placed on order at 12606 rupees.

Free smartphones and tablets plan – Eligibility should be noted that the applicant are a student and an resident within Uttar Pradesh. They should be in the last year of undergraduate or postgraduate programs. Additionally, they must be able to prove that they have attained 60 percent or more in order to be eligible to the scheme. The annual earnings of the family cannot exceed 2 lakh.

The tablets and smartphones

will be distributed to every district from next week, as per the CM Adityanath. According to reports that more than 38 lakh students have registered through Digi Shakti Portal to date. Digi Shakti Portal to date. Registration is ongoing and those who haven’t finished the process of registration before may still register.

Students who are in their end of their studies in MA, BA, BSc, ITI, MBBS, MD, Btech, Mtech, PhD, MSME and skills development, etc. are given first prioritization in the initial phase. As per the announcement the order amounting to $2,035 crore has been made for tablets and mobiles in the initial phase. More than 10.5 lakh smartphones were ordered at a cost of Rs10,740 per unit. 7.20 lakh tablets were placed on order at the sum of Rs12,606.

Free smartphones and tablets scheme – Eligibility: It should be noted that the applicant are a student and an resident in Uttar Pradesh. They should be in the last year of undergraduate or postgraduate course. Additionally, they must be able to prove that they have attained 60 percent or more to be eligible to the scheme. The annual earnings of the family cannot exceed 2 lakh.

3 thoughts on “How to Check Your Name On Digishakti Portal online, JNCU Students Name check on digishakti Portal”

  1. Mere phone pay msg election kay time may aa gaya tha but abhi mila nahi mai b.ed kar raha hu Ghazipur district say college name Ram naghina degree college muriyari sadat Ghazipur


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